Berlatar belakang cita-cita dan matlamat ini maka tercetuslah idea untuk membangunkan Muzium Belia Malaysia pada penghujung tahun 1989. Inspirasinya datang daripada Pemimpin Belia Malaysia pada masa itu iaitu Datuk Mohd. Ali bin Mohd Rustam, ahli Majlis Perundingan Kerajaan Melaka yang juga Presiden Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) serta Timbalan Presiden Persatuan Belia Sedunia.

Idea ini telah dikemukakan kepada sekumpulan kecil pemimpin MBM untuk diperdebatkan, seterusnya mendapat sokongan dan persetujuan Majlis Kerja Tertinggi MBM. Selepas diserahkan kepada Menteri Belia dan Sukan Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, yang telah memberi sepenuh sokongan, dikemukakan pula kepada Majlis Perunding Kerajaan Negeri Melaka. Majlis telah meluluskannya serta mengalu-alukan projek ini dan Ketua Menteri Melaka Tan Sri Hj.Abd. Rahim bin Tamby Chik telah memberi sokongan beliau dengan memperuntukkan bekas bangunan Pejabat Pos untuk dijadikan Muzium Belia Malaysia. Beliau juga telah meluluskan bantuan permulaan sebanyak RM 100,000.00 daripada Kerajaan Negeri Melaka.untuk menubuhkan muzium.

Pada awal tahun 1990, Jawatankuasa Utama penubuhan muzium telah dibentuk dengan dipengerusikan oleh Datuk Mohd. Ali bin Mohd Rustam. Jawatankuasa ini terdiri daripada ahli dari Majlis Perunding Kerajaan Negeri Melaka, wakil-wakil dari Jabatan Setiausaha Negeri Melaka, serta pemimpin-pemimpin kumpulan-kumpulan belia, para akademik,wakil-wakil Muzium Negara, pemimpin-pemimpin professional yang terbabit dengan kerja muzium, serta wakil-wakil dari Kementerian dan Jabatan Belia dan Sukan.

Dengan input daripada kumpulan pemikir yang diketuai oleh Profesor Dr. Mohd Yusof Hashim, ahli sejarah yang terkemuka, Jawatankuasa bekerja dengan lancer. Beberapa jawatankuasa kecil telah dibentuk untuk membantu melicinkan kerja Jawatankuasa, terutamanya :
  • Jawatankuasa Binaan dan Insfrastruktur
  • Jawatankuasa Kewangan
  • Jawatankuasa Kakitangan dan Latihan
  • Jawatankuasa Kajian dan Penerbitan
  • Jawatankuasa Pengumpulan Bahan-bahan Pameran
  • Jawatankuasa Pameran

It was against the background of these aspirations and objectives that the idea of establishing a Malaysia Youth Museum was first mooted toward the end of 1989. The inspiration came from The Malaysia Youth Leader at the time, Datuk Mohd. Ali bin Mohd Rustam, a member of the Consultative Council of the State Government of Malacca, who at that time also occupied the post of President of the Malaysian Youth Council (MBM) and of Duty President of the World Association of Youth.

The idea was forwarded to a small group of MBM leaders for debate, and subsequently received the support and approval of the MBM Supreme Working Council. After the idea had been submitted to then Malaysian Minister of Youth and Sports, Dato’ Seri Najib bin Tun Abd. Razak, who gave it is wholehearted support, it was presented before the Consultative Council of the State Government of Malacca. The Council approved and welcomed the project, and the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Hj. Abd Rahim bin Tamby Chik, supported the idea of allocating the former building of the Post Office to house the Malaysian Youth Meseum. He also approved an initial grant of RM 100,000.00 from the Malacca State Government toward the establishment of the meseum.

Early in 1990, the Principal Committee for the establishment of the meseum was formed under the chairmanship of Datuk Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam. The Committee comprised of members from Consultative Council of the State Government of Malacca, representatives of the Malacca State Secretariat and of the Malaysian Youth Council, as well as leaders of professions of youth groups, academics, representatives of National Museum, leaders of professions involved in the museum work, representatives of the Ministry and Departments of Youth and of Sports. With the input of a “think tank” headed by Professor Dr. Mohd Yusof Hashim, a leading Malaysian Historian, the Committee’s works progressed well. In order to further facilitate the Committee’s function, several Sub- committees were formed, particularly :
  • The Committee of Contruction and Insfrastructure ;
  • The Finance Committee
  • The Personnel and training Committee
  • The Research and Publications Committee
  • The Committee in Charge of the Collection of Exhibitits
  • The Exhibition Committee