" Maka banginda memilih anak tuan-tuan yang baik-baik, 40 banyak. Dan Tuan Bija Sura akan penghulu….. Itulah orang yang ternama 9 orang, Hang Jebat seorang, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, Hang Ali, Hang Iskandar, Hang Hassan, Hang Husin, Hang Tuah, orang 9 itulah yang tiada boleh bertara. Barang lakunya tiada berturut oleh orang lain. Dan akan Hang Tuah itulah yang lebih cerdik, gagah berani, daripada yang lain….. Disebut oleh samanya muda-muda Laksamana " ( Sejarah Melayu, 1961, halaman. 116 ).

Peranan dan sumbangan kaum belia negara ini boleh dijejaki sejak zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka abad ke - 15 lagi kata-kata di atas dipetik dari buku SEJARAH MELAYU yang menggambarkan perihal terdapat sekumpulan belia yang gagah berani, berkhidmat dengan raja Melaka. Ketua mereka Tun Bija Sura, sebagai sebahagian daripada Institusi Kesultanan dan kerajaan Melaka, mereka sedia berkhidmat dengan taatsetia kepada raja Melaka demi untuk mempertahankan maruah dan mertabat kerajaan dan negeri Melaka. Ketika itu, sifat-sifat kepahlawanan, keberanian dan toleran, taat setia yang tidak berbelah bagi menjadi tonggak disalurkan untuk membina kekuatan dan keutuhan dan ketahanan negeri.

Fakta Sejarah ini jelas membuktikan betapa telah wujud dikalangan belia sejak zaman silam lagi yang perihatin terhadap raja, kerajaan, negeri dan masyarakat. Mereka mempunyai tanggungjawab fizikal dan mentel kepada ketahanan negeri dan empayar melaka. Hang Tuah adalah tokoh belia yang berkebolehan, berwibawa dan berkarisme serta daya keperihatinan terhadap raja dan kerajaan yang unggul. Kebolehan yang ditunjukkan pada masa belianya berjaya mempertingkatkan taraf sosial dan kerjayanya sehingga menjadi seorang Laksamana, salah seorang daripada Pembesar Empat Melaka.

Corak berkumpulan dan kaedah kegiatan belia pahlawan ini mungkin tidak sama dengan corak perkumpulan dan kegiatan belia masakini yang mempunyai struktur, susunan, organisasi, displin dan matlamat yang kompleks. Ini adalah kerana perbezaan zaman, berlainan waktu hidup dan ketidaksamaan sejarah alam sekeliling.

Bagaimanapun, hakikatnya dalam masyarakat adalah sama. Prinsip perkumpulan, sifat bersatu padu, semangat setia-kawan dan berkerjasama, keperihatinan untuk mendukung serta menegak dasar dan sistem bertatanegara dan berkerajaan adalah serupa dari zaman awal Melaka hinggalah sekarang. Iaitu sifat taatsetia dan menyokong kukuh Institusi Raja ( sekarang Raja Berperlembagaan ). Perihatin dan kedaulatan bangsa, mengasah bakat, semangat kental berjuang untuk membela keadilan masyarakat, mempertahan dan menegak maruah bangsa dan agama serta berjiwa patriotik.

Abad ke - 15 dan zaman sekarang ada kesinambungan sejarah kegiatan belianya.

" His Majesty selected torty youths of good families, and Tuan Bija Sura was appointed their leader….. The nine persons nominated were Hang Jebat, hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, Hang Ali, Hang Iskandar, Hang Hassan, Hang Husin, Hang Tuah. What these nine persons did cannot be bested, and their deeds cannot be immitated by others. Among then Hang Tuah was more intelligent, braver and more daring than the others….. So said all the other young officer themselves. " ( From the " Malay Annal", 1961, pg. 116 )

It is thus posible to trace the role and the contributions of youths back to the time of the Malay Sultanate of Malacca, in the 15th.. century. The above paragraph is taken from the book " THE MALAY ANNALS" whice relates how a group of daring young men served the King of Malacca. Their leader was Tuan Bija Sura. As an institution of the government of the Malacca Sultanate, they were prepared to serve the Sultan loyally, and to defend the dignity and sover-eignty of the government and State of Malacca. In those days, the qualities of heroism, bravery, tolerance and undivided loyalty were essential, to be channeled toward building up the strenght, the stability and the defense of the nation.

These historic facts clearly prove that in past ages already, there has been youths who wholeheartedly served their King, as well as the State and people of Malacca. They were physically and mentally responsible for the defence of the State and the Empire of Malacca. Hang Tuah was an able, authoritative and charismatic youth leader who wholeheartedly rendered excellent services to his King and government. The ability whice he showed as ayouth allowed him to raise his social status and career to became the Laksamana, one of the most powerfull men in the Empire.

Obviously, the organizational form and the methods according to which this heroic youths acted vary considerably from the from, the organization and the activities of youths in our time, with their complex structure, hierarchy, organization, discipline and objectives. This is due to many difference between the eras, life styles, and to a different history of the overall surroundings.

Hoeever, the underlying truths with regard to social life remain the same. The principle of community life, the spirit of union, of loyalty and cooperation, wholehearted support for the nation's basic system, policy and government have remained the same, from the early peroid of Malacca untill today. They require loyalty and strong support for the institution of monarchy ( now of course a Constitutional Monarchy ), wholehearted upholding and anddefense of the government's supremacy and of the nation's sovereignty, encouragement of leadersihip talents among youths to improve their future, a strong sense of striving toword social justice, being prepared to defend and uphold the dignity of the nation and of Islam, as well as a spirit of patriotism.

There is a historic continuity of youth activithes,ranging from the 15hb century right up to now.