Institusi Kesultanan Melayu yang telah wujud di negara ini sejak lebih lima kurun yang lalu merupakan teras sistem berkerajaan dam masih kukuh dipertahankan sebagai lambang kepada tunggak kedaulatan dan keunggulan nusa dan bangsa. Perkembangan dan pergolakan sejarah yang dirakamkan di negara ini boleh dikatakan sentiasa bergerak seiring atau dikaitkan dengan istana dan institusi kesultanan. Kesultanan melayu juga boleh boleh disifatkan sebagai nadi dalam pembentukan tamadun, kebudayaan, sikap, norma dan sistem nilai bangsa Melayu. Sesungguhnya terdapat perubahan yang ketara dalam sistem pemerintahan demokrasi yang dipraktikkan oleh kerajaan sekarang tetapi kedudukan dan fungsi Raja-Raja Melayu masih terus dikekalkan sebagai payung negara, sumber inspirasi kesetiaan dan perpaduan rakyat dan lambang kedaulatan negara.

Kesultanan Melayu mempunyai ciri-ciri keunikan dan dan keistimewaan tersendiri yang jauh berbeza dengan sistem pemerintahan beraja di negara-negara lain. Berdasarkan kepada hakikat inilah kedaulatannya diletakkan di puncak pemerintahan demokrasi dan pentadbiran negara apabila Tanah Melayu mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957.

Muzium ini memaparkan beberapa aspek penting yang perlu diketahui mengenai Kesultanan Melayu dan kaitannya dengan kesinambungan perkembangan sejarah negara. Bahan yang dipamer merupakan hakikat sejarah yang diharap dapat memberi gambaran terhadap kegemilangan takhta pemerintahan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

Semoga pameran ini dapat memberi kesedaran kepada generasi kini dan akan datang berhubung akar umbi sejarah dan ketamadunan bangsa Melayu serta menyedari betapa pentingnya mereka memelihara kedaulatan Kesultananan Melayu yang telah sekian lama bertakhta memayungi negara ini.

The Malay Sultanate is an institution which has existed in this country for more than five centuries. It has been the nucleus to the system of government and is still maintained as a living symbol of the sovereignty of the nation and the people’s pride in it. The country’s history, its tribulations and successes, are connected in one way or another with royalty and the sultanate. As an institution, the sultanate has been a major influence in the development of the Malay civilization, culture, attitudes, standards and values. Obviously, there has been considerable changes in the government system to the democratic one practiced by the present government, but the status and functions of the Malay Rulers have been preserved as an a shield and shelter for the nation, a focus for the loyalty and solidarity of the people, and a symbol national sovereignty.

The Malay Sultanate has special and unique features which makes it different from the monarchial governments in other countries and which has enabled it to become the pinnable of the democratic system of government and administration adopted by the country when it obtained independence on 31 August 1957.

The exhibition illustrates some of the essential features of the Malay Sultanate and its role in the historical development of the country. It sets out to display historical facts which will gave an idea of the past glories of the sultanate. The exhibition is also intended to create greater awareness among the younger generation of the origins of Malay history and civilization and to show how important it is for the people of today safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of the Malay Sultanate which has for so long been enshrined as protector of the nation.