Tugas & Peranan


  • Sebagai Ketua Negara dan berkuasa Mutlak dalam Pentadbiran
  • Menjamin keselamatan Rakyat dan Negeri
  • Menjadi lambang perpaduan dan kedaulatan negara
  • Menjalankan Hubungan Diplomatik dengan negara luar.

  • Ketua Pentadbiran dan Penasihat Raja dalam pemerintahan negeri
  • Menjadi Pemangku Raja Tatkala Raja berangkat ke luar negeri
  • Menjadi Ketua Turus Angkatan Tentera Laut dan Darat semasa perang
  • Menjalankan segala hukuman kecuali hukuman mati
  • Melantik pengganti Sultan dan mengetuai Adat Istiadat dan menjaga alat kebesaran Diraja

  • Menyelesaikan kes jenayah yang kecil
  • Menentukan undang-undang dijalankan dengan sempurna
  • Menjadi pengiring apabila Sultan berangkat menaiki gajah
  • Bertanggungjawab mengatur susunan dan tempat duduk bagi istiadat mengadap Sultan
  • Berperanan menentukan sukatan dan timbangan yang betol di pasar

    Penghulu Bendahari
  • Menjadi Ketua adat bagi Istiadat dan Acara DiRaja Di Istana
  • Mengetuai perbendaharaan Negeri dan Ketua kepada Syahbandar yang terdapat di Melaka serta mengendali Hamba Raja
  • Merupakan Menteri Kewangan bagi Kerajaan Melayu Melaka
  • Memungut cukai dan menjaga harta benda Kerajaan Syahbandar
  • Mengurus kebenaran berniaga dengan persetujuan Bendahara
  • Mengawasi sistem perkapalan dan organisasinya
  • Menyeragam dan melaksanakan pungutan cukai
  • Menyelia urusan anak yatim, nakhoda dan pasar perniagaan
  • Menguatkuasakan peraturan dan menyimpan barang di gudang dan kediaman yang disediakan.
  • Memelihara kebajikan dan kepentingan para pedagang.

  • Jawatan dan peranan Laksamana pada mulanya digabungkan dengan jawatan lain
  • Antara fungsinya termasuklah menjadi Ketua Tertinggi Angkatan Laut yang mengawasi perairan Melaka

    • As the head of the state and exercised absolute power in administration
    • Maintaining the security of the people and estate
    • The symbol of unity and soveregeinity of the state
    • Forging diplomatic ties with foreign countries

    • Forging diplomatic ties with foreign countries
    • Assuming the duties of the King in His absence overseas
    • Chief of staff for the navy and army in times of war
    • Imposing sentences except the detah penalty
    • Appointing the Sultan’s successor to the throne, Chief of the protocol and keeper of the Royal Insignia.

    • Settling minor crimes
    • Ensuring smooth implementation of Law enforcement
    • Escorting the King during processions on Elephant Mounts
    • Responsible for the seating arrangements while seeking the Sultan’s audience
    • Ensuring the proper calibration of the weight and scale of the markets.

      Penghulu Bendahari
    • Masters of ceremonies and royal function at the palace
    • Chief of the state’s treasury, Superintendant to the Syahbandar in Melaka and overseeing the King’s slave.
    • The Minister of Finance for the Melaka Malay sultanate
    • Collecting taxes and managing the state treasury.
    • Arranging the permission to trade with the consent of the Bendahara
    • Managing the shipping system and its organization
    • Standardizing and implementing tax collection
    • Managing affairs of the orphants, ship captains and markets
    • Enforcing regal actions for storage in the warehouse and the lodging provided
    • Preserving the welfare and interest of the merchants.

    • The appointment and role of the Laksamana were originally incorporated with other positions among his duties included the Admiral of the navy to protect the Melaka waters.



      Hukum Kanun Melaka dan Undang-Undang Laut Melaka merupakan dokumen tertua dan terpenting sekali. Kanun ini mengandungi beberapa fasal. Berikutan penerimaan Islam di Melaka, peruntukan kanun ini bertambah menjadi empat puluh empat fasal. Undang-undang ini wujud sejak Melaka dibuka dan dikemaskinikan oleh pemerintah terkemudian. Kerajaan Melaka merupakan kerajaan Melayu pertama menggubal kanun negeri dan peraturan pelayaran.

      Hukum Kanun Melaka menggambarkan susun lapis kepercayaan Melayu lama. Adat istiadat, peraturan istana, pantang larang, hukum tentang jenayah dan sivil, sistem protokol, pemilikan tanah, peraturan mengenai pertanian dan penternakan turut dimuatkan. Peruntukan undang-undang di Melaka turut dipengaruhi hukum syarak. Kesalahan seperti perzinaan, murtad, mencuri, membunuh, minum arak, fitnah, tuduh menuduh, dan juga perkara seperti ikrar, jual beli, perjanjian, hutang-piutang, syarat-syarat saksi di samping pernikahan dan undang-undang kekeluargaan mencontohi peruntukan syarak.

      Undang-undang Laut Melaka pula adalah warisan bertulis yang unik, digubal bertujuan melicinkan perdagangan dan perkapalan. Isi kandungannya yang disempurnakan semasa pemerintahan Sultan Mahmud Syah mengandungi dua puluh fasal. Peraturan pelayaran, gelaran pegawai dan tugas serta bidang kuasa bertugas dalam kapal diperlicinkan. Peraturan mengenai kebencanaan di laut, kapal karam dan lain-lain turut terungkap. Nakhoda mempunyai kuasa mutlak sehingga boleh menjatuhi dan melaksanakan hukuman bunuh. Sebuah kapal di dalam pelayaran diumpamakan sebagai sebuah kerajaan. Undang-undang ini juga menyentuh mengenai kesalahan dan denda. Nakhoda merupakan pegawai utama yakni raja di dalam kapal. Juru-mudi (malim) bertindak mengawasi arah haluan pelayaran. Juru-batu memastikan keselamatan kapal. Jawatan lain seperti tukang kanan, tukang kiri, tukang agung, senawi, awak-awak dan sebagainya berperanan menentukan kelicinan dan keselamatan pelayaran.

      The Melaka Law Codes and Maritime Laws were the earliest and the most important documents. The codes contained several clauses. After the reception of Islam in Melaka, the provisions were augmented to 44. These laws were practiced since the establishment of Melaka and were revised by the succeeding rulers. The Melaka government and were revised by succeeding. Melaka was the first Malay Kingdom to formulate the state laws and stapping regulations. The Melaka legal codes enumerated the stratification and beliefs of early Malays. Ceremonial customs, palace protocol, prohibitions, criminal and civil laws, land ownership and provisions pertaining to forming and busbounding were also incorporated. The syariah law influenced the provisions pertaining to forming and busbounding were also incorporated. The offences such as adultery, aportasy, stealing, murder, alcohol consumption, slander, accusations, declaration, transaction, agreements, debt, qualifications of witness beside marriages and family laws are uniquely written heritage and promulgated to regulate trade and shipping. The contents completedly codified during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah, comprised of 25 clauses, Navigational regulations, duties, titles and authority of personel assigned to the ship were stipulated.

      Regulations regarding calamittis at the sea, storms, shipwrecks and others were also tabulated. The sea captain reserved absolute authority of imposing and exceting the death penalty. A navigating ship is equaled to a government. These laws also outlined crimes and punishments. The sea captain was the highest officer, who assumed the power of the King during the voyage. The belsmen determined the directions of the ship. The defence personnel ensured its safety. Apart from that other posts such as the right craftsmen, left craftsmen, middle craftsmen, senawi, awak-awak and the like were responsible for smooth and safe journey.



      • Memberi sumbangan dari segi dagangan dalam penyediaan muatan yang bertolak, yang baru berlabuh
      • Berunding dengan nakhoda dalam semua bal
      • Membayar cukai pelabuhan
      • Menjual, membeli dengan harga yang berpatutan mematuhi Undang-Undang Laut

        Undang-Undang Laut Melaka dibawah bab Hukum Kiwi menentukan 4 cara bagi menjalankan perniagaan
      • Membeli hak petak-petak kapal
      • Kiwi tidak membeli hak terhadap petak tetapi menambahkan model nakhoda. Dalam hal biji-bijian, kiwi diberi ganjaran 2 atau 3 koyan oleh pemilik kapal.
      • Mengambil alih 7 atau 8 petak Nangkin kapal
      • Jika membeli petak, akan membayar 3/10 bahagian, beliau sebagai cukai kepada nakhoda

      • To contribute in the trading activities, in the preparation of the loading and unloading of ships that anchor or leave the harbour
      • To discuss with the captain on all matters
      • To pay the harbour tax
      • To sell or buy things at an appropriate price
      • To abide by the law of the seas

        The Malacca laws at the seas under the chapter Kiwi Law states 4 ways to do trading

      • To buy the right of butches
      • Kiwi doesn’t buy the right of butches, but adds to the captain’s capital. In the case of grains, Kiwi gets 2 or 3 koyan from the ship owner.
      • To take over 7/8 of the ships good’s area
      • If he buys the hatch he will pay 3/10 of his portion as tax to the captain.



      Pulau Besar adalah salah sebuah pulau yang terletak di Pantai Melaka dan dari segi sejarah, sekumpulan pulau-pulau ini menjadi tanda nyata kepada pelaut-pelaut Pulau Besar dan pulau-pulau di sekitarnya dikenali sebagai “Wu Shu” kepada pelaut-pelaut Cina. Pulau Besar mempunyai air yang jernih dan kapal-kapal yang lalu di sini selalu berhenti untuk mendapatkan bekalan air yang bersih dan bekalan kayu api sebelum meneruskan perjalanan yang dituju. Adalah dipercayai Pulau Besar mempunyai penempatan yang lebih awal yang telah ditubuhkan oleh Parameswara

      Pulau Besar is the one of the islands lying off the coast of Malacca and historically these cluster of islands had been a landmark for the passing mariners. Pulau Besar and its surrounding islands had been known as ‘Wu Shu’ to the Chinese mariners. Pulau Besar contains fresh water and the passing ship used to stop here to get fresh water and gather firewood before proceeding to their destination. It is even believed that Pulau Besar had a settlement long before Malacca was founded by Parameswara. Pulau Besar is the one of the islands lying off the coast of Malacca and historically these cluster of islands had been a landmark for the passing mariners. Pulau Besar and its surrounding islands had been known as ‘Wu Shu’ to the Chinese mariners. Pulau Besar contains fresh water and the passing ship used to stop here to get fresh water and gather firewood before proceeding to their destination. It is even believed that Pulau Besar had a settlement long before Malacca was founded by Parameswara. According to Ma Huan, an assistant of Admiral Cheng Ho, the Chinese sailor would visit ‘Whu Shu’ and drop anchor to rest and to gather the necessities. The straits - fisher folks who then stayed around the estuary of Malacca River, would bring dried salted fish and other commodities, to exchange for their needs. Thus the barter trade started in Malacca that was to develop into a well organised trade centre in Southeast.

      According to Ma Huan, an assistant of Admiral Cheng Ho, the Chinese sailor would visit ‘Whu Shu’ and drop anchor to rest and to gather the necessities. The straits - fisher folks who then stayed around the estuary of Malacca River, would bring dried salted fish and other commodities, to exchange for their needs. Thus the barter trade started in Malacca that was to develop into a well organised trade centre in Southeast.

